Source code for MPF.dataMCRatioPlot

Similiar to :py:meth:`~MPF.plot`, but also shows a ratio of
data and the total background in a bottom pad.


.. literalinclude:: /../examples/

.. image::  images/dataMCRatioPlot.png
   :width: 600px

from .plotStore import PlotStore
from . import pyrootHelpers as PH
from .line import Line
from .errorBands import AE
from . import globalStyle as gst
import ROOT
from .commonHelpers.logger import logger
logger = logger.getChild(__name__)

[docs]class DataMCRatioPlot(PlotStore): """ Overwrites the defaults for the following :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore` parameters: :param ignoreNumErrors: default: False :param ignoreDenErrors: default: True :param ratioMode: default: "rawpois" :param ratioTitle: default: "Data / MC" For further options see :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore` """ def __init__(self, ratioTitle="Data / MC", **kwargs): super(DataMCRatioPlot, self).__init__(splitting='ratio', ignoreNumErrors=kwargs.pop("ignoreNumErrors", False), ignoreDenErrors=kwargs.pop("ignoreDenErrors", True), ratioMode=kwargs.pop("ratioMode", "rawpois"), **kwargs) self.ratioTitle = ratioTitle
[docs] def saveAs(self, path, **kwargs): self.buildMainPad(**kwargs) bottomPad = self.canvas.pads['bottom'] self.addDataMCRatio(bottomPad) bottomPad.yTitle = self.ratioTitle return super(DataMCRatioPlot, self).saveAs(path, **kwargs)