Source code for MPF.globalStyle

"""Some fixed settings to make the plots look nice by default. You can
import this module and change some settings if you like - for Example::

    import MPF.globalStyle as gst

    gst.ratioErrorBandFillStyle = 3354
    gst.ratioErrorBandColor = ROOT.kBlack
    gst.drawATLASLabel = False

Or better use :py:class:`~MPF.globalStyle.useOptions` which will raise
an AttributeError if options are misspelled::

    from MPF.globalStyle import useOptions

    useOptions(ratioErrorBandFillStyle = 3354,
               ratioErrorBandColor = ROOT.kBlack,
               drawATLASLabel = False)

Alterantively you can also temporarily set options - e.g. for one plot
- by using :py:class:`~MPF.globalStyle.useOptions` as a context

    from MPF.globalStyle import useOptions

    with useOptions(ratioErrorBandFillStyle=3354, ratioErrorBandColor=ROOT.kBlack):

When :py:class:`~MPF.treePlotter.TreePlotter` is used, a dictionary of
globalStyle options can be directly passed to be used in one or
multiple plots.


import ROOT
import sys

[docs]class useOptions: """Set options of this module. The advantage w.r.t. explicitely setting them is that an AttributeError will be raised if options are misspelled. Can also be used as a context manager for temporarily setting options. """ def __init__(self, optObject=sys.modules[__name__], **kwargs): self.optObject = optObject self.oldOpts = {} self.newOpts = kwargs for opt, value in self.newOpts.items(): self.oldOpts[opt] = getattr(self.optObject, opt) setattr(self.optObject, opt, value) def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback): for opt, value in self.oldOpts.items(): setattr(self.optObject, opt, value)
canvasWidth = 800 """horizontal plot size - changing this might require to change also some other options""" canvasHeight = 600 """vertical plot size - changing this might require to change also some other options""" mainPadSize2Pad = 0.7 """Relative size of the mainpad for the splitting with 2 pads""" mainPadSize3Pad = 0.5 """Relative size of the mainpad + first bottom pad for the splitting with 3 pads""" bottomPadSize3Pad = 0.3 """Relative size of the second bottom pad for the splitting with 3 pads""" ratioPadNDivisions = 504 """Axis tick divisions on the ratio pads n = n1 + 100*n2 + 10000*n3""" ratioPadGridy = 1 """draw vertical lines on the yAxis ticks of the ratio pad This is used by default for the first bottom pad - assuming it will be some ratio like graph in there (individual plots can overwrite this option)""" thirdPadGridy = 1 """draw vertical lines on the yAxis ticks of the third bottom pad (individual plots can overwrite this option)""" bottomMargin1Pad = None """If given, explicitely set bottom margin in main pad for 1 Pad case""" ratioBottomMargin = 0.4 """bottom margin in ratio plots""" ratioPlotMainBottomMargin = 0.04 """Bottom Margin on the main pad in ratio plots""" mainPadTopMargin = 0.06 """Top margin in main pad (relative to absolute canvas height)""" ratioXtitleOffset = 3 """Ratio xTitle offset""" xTitleOffset3Pad = 2.4 """Ratio xTitle offset""" yTitleOffset = 1.6 """default yTitle offset for all pads""" labelFont = 43 """Font number for axis and labels (43 is fixed size, atlasStyle default is taken if set to None)""" labelFontSize = 30 """Font size for axis and labels (atlasStyle default taken if set to None)""" yTitleScale2Pad = 0.9 """Scale y-Axis Titles for 3 pad plots""" yTitleScale3Pad = 0.8 """Scale y-Axis Titles for 3 pad plots""" legendYMax = 0.92 """Legend default y position""" legendXMin = 0.7 """Legend default x position""" legendTextSize = 0.04 """Default Text size for legend (if None, text will be scaled to fit on legend size)""" legendFont = 42 """Legend Font""" legendLongTitleThreshold = 11 """Length starting from which a title in the legend is considered long and text will be scaled""" legendBorderSize = 0 """Useful to set this nonzero for debugging""" totalBGErrorColor = ROOT.kBlack """Color for totalBG error bands""" totalBGFillStyle = 3354 """Fill style for totalBG error""" ratioErrorBandColor = ROOT.kOrange-4 """Color in ratio error bands""" ratioErrorBandFillStyle = 1001 """Fill style for ratio error bands""" bottomPadsNoExponent = True """No Exponent on y-axis of bottom pads - this won't look nice if there are large numbers involved (and no log scale is used), but the exponent doesn't fit there""" drawATLASLabel = True """Draw AtlasLabel in plots?""" atlasLabelTextSize = 0.04 #: Text size for atlasLabel lumiLabelTextSize = 18 #: Text size for lumiLabel CMELabelTextSize = lumiLabelTextSize #: Text size for CMELabel infoLabelTextSize = lumiLabelTextSize #: Text size for InfoLabel processLabelTextSize = lumiLabelTextSize #: Text size for the ProcessLabel atlasLabelDelX = 2.5*atlasLabelTextSize """Measure for distance between "ATLAS" and the text""" atlasLabelX = 0.19 #: Default x position for atlasLabel atlasLabelY = 0.88 #: Default y position for atlasLabel lumiLabelX = 0.19 #: Default x position for lumiLabel lumiLabelY = 0.83 #: Default y position for lumiLabel CMELabelX = lumiLabelX+0.009*lumiLabelTextSize #: Default x position for CMELabel CMELabelY = lumiLabelY #: Default y position for CMELabel processLabelX = 0.165 #: Default x position for infoLabel processLabelY = 0.96 #: Default y position for infoLabel infoLabelX = 0.19 #: Default x position for processLabel infoLabelY = 0.78 #: Default y position for processLabel mergeCMEIntoLumiLabel = False """Only plot a merged Lumi and CME label without "#int L dt" (new ATLAS convention)""" defaultLogyYmin = 0.1 """Default y mininum on log scale plots (in case not explicitely set or automatically determined)""" maximumWithErrors = True #: Loop over bins to find maximum with errors for histograms minimumWithErrors = False #: Loop over bins to find minimum with errors for histograms TLineStyle = 2 #: Default TLine style (not really used yet) TLineWidth = 2 #: Default TLine width (not really used yet) TLineColor = 1 #: Default TLine color (not really used yet) legendEventCountFormat = " ({:.1g})" """`Format <>`_ for showing event counts in the legend (if set)""" legendEventCountFormatRaw = " ({:.0g})" """`Format <>`_ for showing (raw) event counts in the legend (if set)""" legendShowScaleFactors = True """Show scale factors of processes in legend?""" customTextSize = 18 """Size of custom text labels""" customTextFont = 43 """Font of custom text labels""" poissonIntervalDataErrors = False """Use the asymmetric 68% poisson interval for drawing data errors""" noLinesForBkg = False """Set true to set LineWidth to 0 for bkg hists (get rid of the black lines in between processes in stack)""" totalBGLineWidth = 3 """In case noLinesForBkg is set, the totalBG hist will get a line of this thickness""" cutLineArrows = False """Draw arrows indicating selected region for cut lines""" cutLineHeight = 0.75 """Height of cutlines relative to the pad min/max""" cutLineArrowPos = 0.7 """Position of the cutline arrow relative to its height""" cutLineStyle = 2 """TLine style for cut lines""" cutLineWidth = 2 """TLine width for cut lines""" cutLineColor = 1 """TLine color for cut lines""" randomColors = False rainbowMode = False thankYou = True #: Thank MPF at exit of your script