Source code for MPF.legend

import math

import ROOT

from .commonHelpers.logger import logger
logger = logger.getChild(__name__)

from . import pyrootHelpers as PH
from . import globalStyle as gst
from .labels import scaleYPosTopMargin

[docs]class Legend(ROOT.TLegend): """ :param scaleLegend: Scale Legend by this factor :param scaleLegendX: Scale Legend by this factor in x-direction :param scaleLegendY: Scale Legend by this factor in x-direction :param drawstring: Drawstring for `ROOT TLegend <>`_ :param nColumns: Number of columns :param xOffset: Shift legend in x direction :param yOffset: Shift legend in y direction :param forceDynamicFontSize: Always use dynamic font size (scale text to fit legend) :param noDynamicFontSize: Never use dynamic font size (by default used for legends containing long titles) :param addEventCount: Add the total event counts to the legend :param eventCountCutflow: Use the content of the last bin instead of the integral when showing total event counts :param eventCountGen: In addition to the integral, also show the number of raw events """ def __init__(self, scaleLegend=1, scaleLegendX=None, scaleLegendY=None, drawstring='', nColumns=1, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, forceDynamicFontSize=False, noDynamicFontSize=False, addEventCount=False, eventCountCutflow=False, eventCountGen=False): self.scaleLegend = scaleLegend if scaleLegendX is None: self.scaleLegendX = scaleLegend else: self.scaleLegendX = scaleLegendX if scaleLegendY is None: self.scaleLegendY = scaleLegend else: self.scaleLegendY = scaleLegendY self.drawstring = drawstring self.nColumns = nColumns self.xOffset = xOffset self.yOffset = yOffset self.forceDynamicFontSize = forceDynamicFontSize self.noDynamicFontSize = noDynamicFontSize if self.forceDynamicFontSize and self.noDynamicFontSize: raise ValueError("Can't use forceDynamicFontSize and noDynamicFontSize at once") self.objects = [] self.zIndex = 2 self.eventCount = addEventCount self.cutflow = eventCountCutflow self.genEvents = eventCountGen
[docs] def addEntry(self, obj, option): logger.debug('adding {} with label {} and option {}'.format(obj,obj.legend, option)) try: hide = obj.hide except AttributeError: hide = False try: drawLegend = obj.drawLegend except AttributeError: drawLegend = True if not hide and drawLegend: legend = obj.legend if legend is None: legend = '' self.objects.append((obj, legend, option))
[docs] def addEventCount(self, label, obj): if self.cutflow: label += gst.legendEventCountFormat.format(obj.GetBinContent(obj.GetNbinsX())) else: label += gst.legendEventCountFormat.format(obj.Integral()) if self.genEvents and not self.cutflow: label += gst.legendEventCountFormatRaw.format(obj.GetEntries()) return label
[docs] def hasLongTitleEntry(self): for obj, label, option in self.objects: if not label: label = obj.GetTitle() if self.eventCount: label = self.addEventCount(label, obj) if len(label) > gst.legendLongTitleThreshold: return True return False
[docs] def draw(self): dynamicFontSize = False margin = 0.4 colwidth = 0.15/ROOT.gPad.GetAbsWNDC() lineheight = 0.055/ROOT.gPad.GetAbsHNDC() if self.hasLongTitleEntry(): dynamicFontSize = True margin = 0.3 if not self.forceDynamicFontSize: if not self.nColumns == 1: logger.warning("Legend has a long title - setting nColumns to 1") self.nColumns = 1 colwidth = 0.2/ROOT.gPad.GetAbsWNDC() n_entries = len(self.objects) n_columns = self.nColumns n_lines = math.ceil(float(n_entries)/float(n_columns)) x_size = n_columns * colwidth * self.scaleLegendX y_size = n_lines * lineheight * self.scaleLegendY # create actual legend here, hope that's enough otherwise we need to know the size beforehand yMax = scaleYPosTopMargin(gst.legendYMax) yMin = yMax-y_size if yMin < 0.1: logger.debug("yMin to small ({}) - Scaling legend".format(yMin)) yMin = 0.1 dynamicFontSize = True xMin = gst.legendXMin-(n_columns-1)*colwidth xMax = xMin+x_size xMin = xMin+self.xOffset xMax = xMax+self.xOffset yMin = yMin+self.yOffset yMax = yMax+self.yOffset if self.forceDynamicFontSize: dynamicFontSize = True if self.noDynamicFontSize: dynamicFontSize = False super(Legend, self).__init__(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) self.SetNColumns(n_columns) self.SetTextFont(gst.legendFont) # interestingly, this mainly determines the width of the boxes self.SetMargin(margin) self.SetBorderSize(gst.legendBorderSize) if gst.legendTextSize is not None and not dynamicFontSize: self.SetTextSize(gst.legendTextSize/ROOT.gPad.GetAbsHNDC()*self.scaleLegend) self.SetFillColor(0) self.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) for obj, label, option in self.objects: if self.eventCount: label = self.addEventCount(label, obj) self.AddEntry(obj, label, option) self.Draw(self.drawstring) return self