Source code for MPF.plotStore

All plots inherit from the :py:class:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore`.

.. inheritance-diagram:: MPF.plotStore.PlotStore

To make a plot, create an instance of one of the :ref:`plot classes

    from MPF.plot import Plot

    plot = Plot()

Most options concerning the plot and its style are set when the plot is instanciated::

    plot = Plot(logy=True, yMin=1e-5, yMax=1e5)

See :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore` for a list of all options.

Then use :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.registerHist` to register
`ROOT histograms <>`_ to
the plot::

    plot.registerHist(hist1, style="background", process="Bkg1")

The basic "styles" are `background`, `signal` and `data`. Background
histograms will be added to a `ROOT THStack
<>`_, each signal is
overlaid as a separate histogram and data is drawn as black dots with
error bars. If multiple histograms are added for the same process name
they are added up.

Finally the plot can be drawn using :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.saveAs`::


The output format is determined by the filename extension.


import math
import itertools

import ROOT
from .commonHelpers.logger import logger
# from MPF import logger
logger = logger.getChild(__name__)
from .histograms import getHM
from .histograms import Histogram, HistogramStack
from .canvas import Canvas

from .legend import Legend
from .arrow import Arrow
from .errorBands import AE, getPoissonRatio
from . import pyrootHelpers as PH
from .commonHelpers import interaction as IH
from . import globalStyle as gst
from .line import Line
from .atlasStyle import setAtlasStyle
from .labels  import LumiLabel, CMELabel, ATLASLabel, ProcessLabel, InfoLabel

[docs]class missingHistogramException(Exception): pass
[docs]class PlotStore(object): ''' Store histograms and provide basic utilities to be implemented by plot classes .. _plotClassesList: Some plots (with example code): * :py:meth:`~MPF.plot.Plot` * :py:meth:`~MPF.dataMCRatioPlot.DataMCRatioPlot` * :py:meth:`~MPF.bgContributionPlot.BGContributionPlot` * :py:meth:`~MPF.significanceScanPlot.SignificanceScanPlot` * :py:meth:`~MPF.signalRatioPlot.SignalRatioPlot` * :py:meth:`~MPF.efficiencyPlot.EfficiencyPlot` ''' def __init__(self, splitting=None, atlasLabel='Internal', infoLabel=None, processLabel=None, targetLumi=None, centerOfMassEnergy=13, xTitle=None, yTitle=None, binLabels=None, unit=None, debugText=None, customTexts=None, lowerCut=None, upperCut=None, ratioUp=1.75, ratioDown=0.25, ignoreNumErrors=False, ignoreDenErrors=False, ratioMode="pois", drawTotalBGError=True, drawTotalBGErrorLegend=False, drawRatioArrows=True, drawRatioBkgErrorBand=True, drawRatioLine=True, addOverflowToLastBin=False, addOverflowBinNote=False, yMin=None, yMax=None, xAxisLabelsOption = None, logy=False, insideTopMargin=0.25, normStack=False, sortStackByIntegral=True, raptorFunction=None): """:param splitting: will be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.canvas.Canvas` :param atlasLabel: Text next to "ATLAS" (set None to deactivate) :param infoLabel: Text underneath the lumiLabel/CMELabel (set None to deactivate) :param processLabel: If not set to None a label with this process will be created :param targetLumi: If not set to None a label with this integrated luminosity will be created :param centerOfMassEnergy: If not set to None a label with this center of mass energy will be created :param xTitle: will be assigned to all histograms added by :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.registerHist` :param yTitle: y-Axis title for the main pad :param binLabels: will be assigned to all histograms added by :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.registerHist` :param unit: will be assigned to all histograms added by :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.registerHist` :param debugText: Take list of lines and adds them to the main pad (might be deprecated soon) :param customTexts: Take list of tuples with (xpos, ypos, text) and adds them as TLatex labels to the plot :param lowerCut: print a line for the lower cut :param upperCut: print a line for the upper cut :param ratioUp/ratioDown: y-axis limits in ratio plots :param ignoreNumErrors: ignore numerator errors in ratio plots :param ignoreDenErrors: ignore denominator errors in ratio plots :param ratioMode: how to calculate the ratio and the errors (see :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.getRatioHistogram` for possible options) :param drawTotalBGError: draw the error of the total bkg :param drawTotalBGErrorLegend: draw the error of the total bkg in the legend :param drawRatioArrows: draw arrows in ratio plots :param drawRatioBkgErrorBand: draw error band in ratio plots that indicates the denominator errors :param drawRatioLine: draw a line at 1 in ratio plots :param addOverflowToLastBin: Merge the overflow bin and the last bin which is plotted :param addOverflowBinNote: Add a text that informs if the overflow was added to the last bin :param yMin: Minimum on the mainpad y-Axis :param yMax: Maximum on the mainpad y-Axis :param xAxisLabelsOption: Pass option to the x-Axis labels (e.g. "v" for vertical labels) cf. `ROOT TAxis::LabelsOption <>`_ :param logy: Set Log scale on the mainpad y-Axis :param insideTopMargin: Inside top margin in the mainpad (between histograms maximum and the top - relativ to canvas size) :param sortStackByIntegral: If set to false the histograms will be stacked in the order they are registered :param normStack: Normalise background stack to total Integral :param raptorFunction: (Experimental) - Execute this function before saving the canvas (gets plotStore as parameter). You should return all the stuff that should not get out of scope or garbage collected For setting options for the legend and labels see: * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setLegendOptions` * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setATLASLabelOptions` * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setCMELabelOptions` * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setLumiLabelOptions` * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setProcessLabelOptions` * :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.setInfoLabelOptions` """ logger.debug('create plotstore') setAtlasStyle() self.atlasLabel = atlasLabel self.targetLumi = targetLumi self.centerOfMassEnergy = centerOfMassEnergy self.processLabel = processLabel self.infoLabel = infoLabel self.xTitle = xTitle self.yTitle = yTitle self.binLabels = binLabels self.unit = unit self.debugText = debugText self.customTexts = customTexts self.ratioUp = ratioUp self.ratioDown = ratioDown self.ignoreNumErrors = ignoreNumErrors self.ignoreDenErrors = ignoreDenErrors self.ratioMode = ratioMode self.drawTotalBGError = drawTotalBGError self.drawTotalBGErrorLegend = drawTotalBGErrorLegend self.drawRatioArrows = drawRatioArrows self.drawRatioBkgErrorBand = drawRatioBkgErrorBand self.drawRatioLine = drawRatioLine self.addOverflowToLastBin = addOverflowToLastBin self.addOverflowBinNote = addOverflowBinNote self.yMin = yMin self.yMax = yMax self.xAxisLabelsOption = xAxisLabelsOption self.logy = logy self.insideTopMargin = insideTopMargin self.sortStackByIntegral = sortStackByIntegral self.normStack = normStack self.objects = [] self.sysHists = {} self.stackOnTopHists = [] self.canvas = Canvas(splitting) self.totalBG = None self.totalBGVariations = None self.upperCut = upperCut self.lowerCut = lowerCut # old stuff self.totalData = None self.colorScheme = {} if not gst.randomColors: self.colorGen = PH.yieldColors() else: self.colorGen = self.yieldRandomColors() self.totalBGError = None self.totalBGErrorLegend = "MC stat" self.legendOptions = ((), {}) self.ATLASLabelOptions = ((), dict(text=self.atlasLabel)) if not gst.mergeCMEIntoLumiLabel: self.lumiLabelOptions = ((), dict(lumi=self.targetLumi)) else: self.lumiLabelOptions = ((), dict(lumi=self.targetLumi, cme=self.centerOfMassEnergy)) self.CMELabelOptions = ((), dict(cme=self.centerOfMassEnergy)) self.processLabelOptions = ((), dict(text=self.processLabel)) self.infoLabelOptions = ((), dict(text=self.infoLabel)) # for adding multiple ratios where a process has another process as denominator self.ratioDenominators = {} self.raptorFunction = raptorFunction self.markerStyles = itertools.count(20)
[docs] def registerHist(self, hist, style="signal", drawString="", process="", legendTitle=None, drawLegend=True, hide=False, lineStyle=None, lineWidth=None, fillStyle=None, markerStyle=None, color=None, lineColor=None, fillColor=None, markerColor=None, drawErrorBand=False, maskBins=None, xTitle=None, unit=None, ratioDenominatorProcess=None, stackOnTop=False): ''' Add histogram to plot :param hist: `ROOT histogram <>`_ :param style: Possible values: "signal", "background", "data" :param drawString: Custom drawing option for this histogram (see `ROOT THistPainter <>`_) :param process: Label this histogram with a process name :param legendTitle: Custom legend title (if not given, process label is used) :param drawLegend: Set to false if no legend should be drawn for this process :param hide: Don't explicitely draw this histogram and don't include it in the legend :param lineStyle: `ROOT line style <>`_ for this histogram :param lineWidth: `ROOT line width <>`_ for this histogram :param fillStyle: if given use this fill style instead of the predifined one (see `ROOT::TAttFill <>`_) :param markerStyle: if given use this marker style (for data) instead of the predifined one (see `ROOT::TAttMarker <>`_) :param color: can be given as a `ROOT TColor enum <>`_ or as a string (see :py:meth:`~MPF.pyrootHelpers.rootStyleColor`) :param lineColor: set this if you want a different color for the line :param fillColor: set this if you want a different color for the filled area :param markerColor: set this if you want a different color for the marker :param drawErrorBand: draw an errorband in the style of the usual total background error for this process :param maskBins: truncate these bins (by bin numbers) :type maskBins: list :param xTitle: x-Axis title (overwriting what is in the ROOT histogram) :param unit: if given it will be shown both on x and y Axis :param ratioDenominatorProcess: if multiple ratios are to be drawn use the histogram with the given process name as denominator :param stackOnTop: stack this histogram on top of the total background (even if it is a signal) ''' if hist.ClassName()[:3] == 'TH1': hm = getHM(hist.Clone(next(PH.tempNames))) hm.SetDirectory(0) if hm.GetEntries() == 0: logger.warning("The Histogram {} you are registering for process \"{}\" is empty".format(hm, process)) if self.addOverflowToLastBin: logger.debug("Adding overflow to last bin for hist {} ({})".format(hist, process)) hm.addOverflowToLastBin() # Set standard options hm.drawString += drawString hm.process = process if legendTitle is not None: hm.legend = legendTitle else: hm.legend = process hm.hide = hide hm.drawLegend = drawLegend hm.lineStyle = lineStyle hm.lineWidth = lineWidth hm.fillStyle = fillStyle hm.markerStyle = markerStyle hm.lineColor = lineColor hm.markerColor = markerColor hm.fillColor = fillColor hm.drawErrorBand = drawErrorBand if markerStyle is None and style == "data": hm.markerStyle = next(self.markerStyles) self.determineColor(hm, color=color) logger.debug('registering {} histogram {} with content {}, color {}, legend {}' .format(style, hist.GetName(), hist.Integral(), hm.color, hm.process)) if maskBins is not None: hm.maskedBins += maskBins # probably not really useful to be able to set this here if xTitle is not None: hm.xTitle = xTitle if unit is not None: hm.unit = unit # overwrite if defined in plot if self.xTitle is not None: hm.xTitle = self.xTitle if self.unit is not None: hm.unit = self.unit # Set bin labels if necessary if self.binLabels is not None: if len(self.binLabels) != hm.GetNbinsX(): logger.error("length of binlabels ({}) does not match number of bins".format(len(self.binLabels), hm.GetNbinsX())) for ibin in range(1, hm.GetNbinsX()+1): hm.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(ibin, self.binLabels[ibin-1]) # Set options from input = style if style == 'signal': hm.zIndex = 2 elif style == 'data': hm.zIndex = 1 if color is None: hm.color = "kBlack" elif style == 'background': hm.zIndex = -1 else: logger.error('histogram {} does not have a proper style'.format(hm)) self.objects.append(hm) elif hist.ClassName()[:3] == 'TH2': self.twoDHists.append(hist) else: logger.warning('could not add {} to plot {} not supported (only TH1/2)'.format(hist.GetName(), hist.ClassName())) if ratioDenominatorProcess is not None: self.setRatioDenominator(hm, ratioDenominatorProcess) if stackOnTop: self.stackOnTopHists.append(hm)
[docs] def setRatioDenominator(self, numeratorHist, targetProcessName): for hist in self.getHists(): if hist.process == targetProcessName: self.ratioDenominators[numeratorHist] = hist break else: raise KeyError("Can't find process {}".format(targetProcessName))
[docs] def registerSysHist(self, nomProcess, sysName, hist): hm = getHM(hist.Clone(next(PH.tempNames))) if self.addOverflowToLastBin: logger.debug("Adding overflow to sys hist {} for {}".format(sysName, nomProcess)) hm.addOverflowToLastBin() if not sysName in self.sysHists: self.sysHists[sysName] = {} self.sysHists[sysName][nomProcess] = hm self.totalBGErrorLegend = "sys #oplus MC stat"
[docs] def setLegendOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.legend.Legend`""" self.legendOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def setLumiLabelOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.labels.LumiLabel`""" self.lumiLabelOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def setCMELabelOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.labels.CMELabel`""" self.CMELabelOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def setATLASLabelOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.labels.ATLASLabel`""" self.ATLASLabelOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def setProcessLabelOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.labels.ProcessLabel`""" self.processLabelOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def setInfoLabelOptions(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set the options to be passed to :py:meth:`~MPF.labels.InfoLabel`""" self.infoLabelOptions = (args, kwargs)
[docs] def getHists(self, *selection): """ return hists for the selections: all backgrounds signal data noData """ if not self.objects: raise missingHistogramException('no objects: {}'.format(self.objects)) for hist in self.objects: # if type(histogram) is HistogramStack: # continue if not selection: yield hist continue if 'nodata' in selection: selection += ['signal', 'backgrounds'] if == 'signal': if 'signal' in selection: yield hist elif == 'data': if 'data' in selection: yield hist else: if 'backgrounds' in selection: yield hist selection = []
[docs] def getTotalBG(self): if self.totalBG is not None: return self.totalBG # create the nominal hist totalBGNom = None for hist in self.getHists("backgrounds"): if totalBGNom is None: totalBGNom = hist.clone() else: totalBGNom.add(hist) totalBGVariations = [] # create the variations for sysName, histsDict in self.sysHists.items(): totalBG = None for nomHist in self.getHists("backgrounds"): if nomHist.process in histsDict: hist = histsDict[nomHist.process] else: hist = nomHist if totalBG is None: totalBG = hist.clone() else: totalBG.add(hist) # for debugging totalBG.process = sysName totalBGVariations.append(totalBG) self.totalBGVariations = totalBGVariations if totalBGNom is not None: totalBGNom.addSystematicError(*totalBGVariations) self.totalBG = totalBGNom if gst.noLinesForBkg and self.totalBG is not None: # in this case the totalBG hist should have a line self.totalBG.color = 0 self.totalBG.lineColor = 0 self.totalBG.fillStyle = 0 self.totalBG.zIndex = 0 self.totalBG.lineWidth = gst.totalBGLineWidth return self.totalBG
[docs] def saveAs(self, path, **kwargs): """ Save the canvas. Arguments are passed to :py:meth:`MPF.canvas.Canvas.saveAs` """ if self.xAxisLabelsOption is not None: self.canvas.xAxisLabelsOption = self.xAxisLabelsOption if self.raptorFunction is not None: kwargs.pop("noSave", "") self.canvas.saveAs(path, **dict(noSave=True, **kwargs)) stuff = self.raptorFunction(self) self.canvas.SaveAs(path) self.canvas.Close() return path return self.canvas.saveAs(path, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): lines = ['####', 'PlotStore content:'] lines.append('Background:') for hist in self.getHists('backgrounds'): lines.append(" {}, {}".format(hist, hist.process)) lines.append('Signal:') for hist in self.getHists('signal'): lines.append(" {}, {}".format(hist, hist.process)) for i in range(hist.GetNbinsX()+1): lines.append("{}: {}".format(i, hist.GetBinContent(i))) lines.append('Data:') for hist in self.getHists('data'): lines.append(" {}, {}".format(hist, hist.process)) lines.append('####') return '\n'.join(lines) # Helper functions
[docs] def buildMainPad(self, **kwargs): """ Builds the main plot with stacked histograms, signals and data """ self.getCanvas() try: self.stackHistograms() except ValueError: pass # First draw the main Pad (should always be defined) mainpad = self.canvas.pads['main'] if self.atlasLabel is not None: atlasArgs, atlasKwargs = self.ATLASLabelOptions mainpad.drawables.append(ATLASLabel(*atlasArgs, **atlasKwargs)) if self.targetLumi: lumiArgs, lumiKwargs = self.lumiLabelOptions mainpad.drawables.append(LumiLabel(*lumiArgs, **lumiKwargs)) if self.centerOfMassEnergy: cmeArgs, cmeKwargs = self.CMELabelOptions if not self.targetLumi: # shift to the left if no lumi label xOffset = cmeKwargs.get("xOffset", 0) - (gst.CMELabelX-gst.lumiLabelX) cmeKwargs = dict(cmeKwargs, xOffset=xOffset) mainpad.drawables.append(CMELabel(*cmeArgs, **cmeKwargs)) if self.infoLabel: infoArgs, infoKwargs = self.infoLabelOptions mainpad.drawables.append(InfoLabel(*infoArgs, **infoKwargs)) if self.debugText is not None: mainpad.debugText = self.debugText if self.customTexts is not None: mainpad.customTexts = self.customTexts mainpad.targetLumi = self.targetLumi mainpad.centerOfMassEnergy = self.centerOfMassEnergy mpAdd = mainpad.drawables.append if gst.rainbowMode: colors = self.yieldRainbowColors(len(list(self.getHists("signal")))) for histogram in self.getHists(): if (not == 'background' and not histogram.hide and not histogram in self.stackOnTopHists): if gst.rainbowMode: try: histogram.color = next(colors) except StopIteration: pass mpAdd(histogram) try: mpAdd(self.hStack) logger.debug('added stack') except AttributeError: pass if self.drawTotalBGError: totalBGError = AE(self.getTotalBG()) totalBGError.SetFillColor(gst.totalBGErrorColor) totalBGError.SetFillStyle(gst.totalBGFillStyle) mpAdd(totalBGError) logger.debug("Added total BG error") self.totalBGError = totalBGError if gst.noLinesForBkg and self.getTotalBG(): mpAdd(self.getTotalBG()) if self.processLabel: processArgs, processKwargs = self.processLabelOptions mainpad.drawables.append(ProcessLabel(*processArgs, **processKwargs)) self.setupLegend(mainpad) if self.upperCut is not None: mainpad.addVertLine(self.upperCut, direction="left") if self.lowerCut is not None: mainpad.addVertLine(self.lowerCut, direction="right") if self.yMin is not None: mainpad.yMinimum = self.yMin if self.yMax is not None: mainpad.yMaximum = self.yMax if self.yTitle is not None: mainpad.yTitle = self.yTitle mainpad.logy = self.logy if self.insideTopMargin is not None: mainpad.insideTopMargin = self.insideTopMargin if self.addOverflowToLastBin and self.addOverflowBinNote: mainpad.customTexts.append((0.2, 0.78, "Overflow added to last bin"))
[docs] def determineColor(self, hm, color): if hm.process in self.colorScheme: hm.color = self.colorScheme[hm.process] elif color is None: hm.color = next(self.colorGen) else: hm.color = PH.rootStyleColor(color) return
[docs] def setupLegend(self, pad): if pad.legend is not None: logger.error("legend for pad {} already defined!".format(pad)) else: legArgs, legKwargs = self.legendOptions pad.legend = Legend(*legArgs, **legKwargs) bgHists = [hist for hist in self.getHists('backgrounds')] if self.sortStackByIntegral: bgHists.sort(key=lambda hist: hist.Integral(), reverse=True) for hist in bgHists: pad.legend.addEntry(hist, 'F') for hist in self.getHists('signal'): if hist.fillStyle is None: pad.legend.addEntry(hist, 'l') else: pad.legend.addEntry(hist, 'F') for hist in self.getHists('data'): pad.legend.addEntry(hist, 'P') if self.totalBGError is not None and self.drawTotalBGErrorLegend: self.totalBGError.legend = self.totalBGErrorLegend logger.debug("add {} to legend".format(self.totalBGError)) self.totalBGError.hide = False pad.legend.addEntry(self.totalBGError, "f")
[docs] def yieldRainbowColors(self, nCol): ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kRainBow) for i in range(nCol): yield ROOT.TColor.GetColorPalette(int(i*255./float(nCol)))
[docs] def yieldRandomColors(self): while(True): r = int(256*ROOT.gRandom.Rndm()) g = int(256*ROOT.gRandom.Rndm()) b = int(256*ROOT.gRandom.Rndm()) yield ROOT.TColor.GetColor(r, b, g)
[docs] def stackHistograms(self): """ stacks background histograms with labels from histograms[0] """ bgHists = [hist for hist in self.getHists('backgrounds')] integrals = [hist.Integral() for hist in bgHists] if sum(integrals) == 0.0: raise ValueError('no backgrund') if self.sortStackByIntegral: bgHists.sort(key=lambda hist: hist.Integral()) self.hStack = getHM(ROOT.THStack('hStack{}'.format(next(PH.tempNames)), '')) if gst.rainbowMode: colors = self.yieldRainbowColors(len(bgHists)) for histo in bgHists: histo.setColorAndStyle() if self.normStack: histo.Scale(1./sum(integrals)) if not histo in self.stackOnTopHists: if gst.rainbowMode: histo.color = next(colors) histo.setColorAndStyle() self.hStack.add(histo) for histo in self.stackOnTopHists: histo.setColorAndStyle() self.hStack.add(histo) if self.normStack: # we scaled the hists, so in case totalBG was already # calcuated, need to recalculate when used next self.totalBG = None
[docs] def getCanvas(self): try: return self.canvas except AttributeError: # self.canvas = Canvas(self.splitting) self.canvas = Canvas('') return self.canvas
[docs] def getYields(self, totalBG=True): """ yield dictionaries with keys: process yield error fraction """ d = ROOT.Double() totBG = 0. if not self.getTotalBG(): totalBG = False if totalBG: totBG = self.getTotalBG().IntegralAndError(self.getTotalBG().GetXaxis().GetFirst(), self.getTotalBG().GetXaxis().GetLast(), d) yield {"process": "bg tot", "yield": "{0:.2f}".format(totBG), "error": "{0:.2f}".format(d), "fraction": "{0:.2%}".format(1)} for histo in self.getHists(): if type(histo) is HistogramStack: continue d = ROOT.Double() integral = histo.IntegralAndError(histo.GetXaxis().GetFirst(), histo.GetXaxis().GetLast(), d) try: fraction = integral/totBG except ZeroDivisionError: fraction = -1 yield {"process": histo.process, "yield": "{0:.2f}".format(integral), "error": "{0:.2f}".format(d), "fraction": "{0:.2%}".format(fraction)}
[docs] def yieldTable(self): """ returns table with yields""" table = [["process", "yield", "stat. error"]] for y in self.getYields(): table.append([y["process"],y["yield"], y["error"]]) return table
[docs] def dumpYields(self): print (IH.printTable(self.yieldTable()))
[docs] def BGContributionHisto(self): bgHists = [hist for hist in self.getHists("backgrounds")] if self.sortStackByIntegral: bgHists.sort(key=lambda hist: hist.Integral()) if len(bgHists) < 1: logger.error("No backgrounds found") # stackHists = [] hStack = getHM(ROOT.THStack('hStack{}'.format(next(PH.tempNames)), '')) for hist in bgHists: h = hist.clone() h.Reset() for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()+1): try: h.SetBinContent(i, hist.GetBinContent(i)/self.getTotalBG().GetBinContent(i)) except ZeroDivisionError: pass hStack.add(h) return hStack
[docs] def addDataMCRatio(self, pad, **kwargs): ratioMode = kwargs.pop("ratioMode", self.ratioMode) drawRatioLine = kwargs.pop("drawRatioLine", self.drawRatioLine) if kwargs: raise KeyError("got unexpected kwargs: {}".format(kwargs)) dataHists = [hist for hist in self.getHists("data")] if len(dataHists) != 1: logger.error("Sorry, we want exactly one data histogram, not {}".format(dataHists)) numerator = dataHists[0] pad.addReferenceHist(numerator) denominator = PH.getMergedHist([hist for hist in self.getHists("backgrounds")]) pad.rangeDown = numerator.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) pad.rangeUp = numerator.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(numerator.GetNbinsX()) logger.debug("Pad range: {} - {}".format(pad.rangeDown, pad.rangeUp)) pad.yMinimum = self.ratioDown pad.yMaximum = self.ratioUp ratio = self.getRatioHistogram(numerator, denominator, mode=ratioMode, ignoreDenErrors=self.ignoreDenErrors, ignoreNumErrors=self.ignoreNumErrors) pad.drawables.append(ratio) if self.drawRatioBkgErrorBand: ratioErrorBand = AE(self.getTotalBG(), relErr=True) ratioErrorBand.SetFillColor(gst.ratioErrorBandColor) ratioErrorBand.SetFillStyle(gst.ratioErrorBandFillStyle) ratioErrorBand.zIndex = 0 pad.drawables.append(ratioErrorBand) if drawRatioLine: line = Line(pad.rangeDown, 1, pad.rangeUp, 1, lineStyle=1, lineWidth=1, lineColor=ROOT.kRed) pad.drawables.append(line) pad.yMinimum = self.ratioDown pad.yMaximum = self.ratioUp
[docs] def addSignalRatios(self, pad, style="signal", addLegend=False, register=False, applyRatioLimits=True): """ Create multiple ratio histograms/graphs and add them to the given pad. Uses :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore.getRatioHistogram` (options are set via :py:meth:`~MPF.plotStore.PlotStore`) :param pad: Add the ratios to this pad. :param style: Create ratios for all histograms of this style :param addLegend: add legend entries for the ratios :param register: register the ratio histograms to the plot (useful for creating data/mc ratio) :param applyRatioLimits: apply the ratioUp, ratioDown parameters to the given pad """ sigHists = [hist for hist in self.getHists(style)] if len(sigHists) < 2: logger.error("Sorry, we want more than two histograms to create a ratio, not {}".format(sigHists)) denominator = sigHists[0] pad.addReferenceHist(denominator) numerators = sigHists[1:] pad.rangeDown = denominator.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1) pad.rangeUp = denominator.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(denominator.GetNbinsX()) logger.debug("Pad range: {} - {}".format(pad.rangeDown, pad.rangeUp)) firstHistRegistered = False for numerator in numerators: if numerator in self.ratioDenominators.values(): # this hist is a denominator! continue if numerator in self.ratioDenominators: denominator = self.ratioDenominators[numerator] logger.debug("Numerator ({}): {}".format(style, numerator)) logger.debug("Denominator ({}): {}".format(style, denominator)) ratio = self.getRatioHistogram(numerator, denominator, mode=self.ratioMode, ignoreDenErrors=self.ignoreDenErrors, ignoreNumErrors=self.ignoreNumErrors) ratio.SetLineColor(PH.rootStyleColor(numerator.color)) ratio.SetMarkerColor(PH.rootStyleColor(numerator.color)) pad.drawables.append(ratio) if register and not firstHistRegistered: if issubclass(type(ratio), ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors): registerHist = getHM(PH.histFromGraph(ratio)) else: registerHist = getHM(ratio) Histogram.cloneAttributes(registerHist, numerator) if style == "data": = "data" else: = "background" self.objects.append(registerHist) # in this case the numerator and denominator hists are not used anymore self.objects.remove(numerator) firstHistRegistered = True if addLegend: legHist = ratio if numerator.legend is not None: legHist.legend = numerator.legend else: legHist.legend = numerator.process pad.legend.addEntry(legHist, "p") if register: # now we also don't use the denominator anymore self.objects.remove(denominator) for sigHist in sigHists: if sigHist.drawErrorBand and (sigHist is denominator): ratioErrorBand = AE(sigHist, relErr=True) ratioErrorBand.SetFillColor(gst.ratioErrorBandColor) ratioErrorBand.SetFillStyle(gst.ratioErrorBandFillStyle) ratioErrorBand.zIndex = 0 pad.drawables.append(ratioErrorBand) if self.drawRatioLine: line = Line(pad.rangeDown, 1, pad.rangeUp, 1, lineStyle=1, lineWidth=1, lineColor=ROOT.kRed) pad.drawables.append(line) if applyRatioLimits: pad.yMinimum = self.ratioDown pad.yMaximum = self.ratioUp
[docs] def addSignificanceScan(self, pad, processesOfInterest=None, scanDirection="forward", **kwargs): """Adds a significance scan for each signal in the given pad. The kwargs are passed to getSignificanceHistogram""" if processesOfInterest is None: signalHists = self.getHists("signal") else: signalHists = [] for hist in self.objects: if hist.process in processesOfInterest: signalHists.append(hist) if not scanDirection in ["forward", "backwards", "both"]: raise TypeError("Unexpected arg for scanDirection: {}".format(scanDirection)) for signal in signalHists: if scanDirection == "forward": pad.drawables.append(self.getSignificanceHistogram(signal, self.getTotalBG(), **kwargs)) elif scanDirection == "backwards": pad.drawables.append(self.getSignificanceHistogram(signal, self.getTotalBG(), forward=False, **kwargs)) elif scanDirection == "both": pad.drawables.append(self.getSignificanceHistogram(signal, self.getTotalBG(), **kwargs)) pad.drawables.append(self.getSignificanceHistogram(signal, self.getTotalBG(), forward=False, overrideLineStyle=3, **kwargs)) if self.ratioUp is not None: pad.yMaximum = self.ratioUp if self.ratioDown is not None: pad.yMinimum = self.ratioDown
[docs] def addCumulativeStack(self, pad, **kwargs): """Adds cumulative distributions for all backgrounds and signals to the given pad. The kwargs are passed to getCumulativeStack""" for signal in self.getHists("signal"): cSignal = self.getCumulativeStack(signal, **kwargs) pad.drawables.append(cSignal) backgroundStack = self.getCumulativeStack(*self.getHists("backgrounds"), **kwargs) pad.drawables.append(backgroundStack)
[docs] def getRatioHistogram(self, num, den, drawArrows=True, mode="rawpois", ignoreDenErrors=True, ignoreNumErrors=False): """create a ratio histogram. :param num: numerator histogram :param den: denominator histogram :param drawArrows: draw Arrows when the ratio points reach out of the pad :param mode: Mode for calculating the ratio (see options listed below) :param ignoreDenErrors: Ignore the denominator errors :param ignoreNumErrors: Ignore the numerator errors The following modes are available: * "rawpois" (default) : Use the raw yield to calculate poisson errors * "pois" : Use `ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide <>`_ with option pois * "hist" : Use `ROOT TH1::Divide <>`_ """ arrows = [] if ignoreNumErrors: num = getHM(num.Clone(next(PH.tempNames))) # ToDo: maybe reimplement the ratio for this case (less hacky) num.truncateErrors(0.0001) logger.warn("ignoring numerator errors - this is not implemented perfectly - might " "lead to strange results") if ignoreDenErrors: den = getHM(den.Clone(next(PH.tempNames))) # ToDo: maybe reimplement the ratio for this case (less hacky) den.truncateErrors(0.0001) logger.debug("ignoring denominator errors - this is not implemented perfectly - " "might lead to strange results") if mode == "rawpois": ae = getPoissonRatio(num, den, ignoreDenErrors=ignoreDenErrors, ignoreNumErrors=ignoreNumErrors) elif mode == "pois": ae = AE() ae.Divide(num, den, "pois") elif mode == "hist": # not an ae in this case but who cares ;) ae = num.clone() ae.Divide(den) # this is not working in that case drawArrows = False elif mode == "binomial": ae = num.clone() ae.Divide(num, den, 1, 1, "B") = "data" drawArrows = False elif mode == "bayes": ae = AE() ae.Divide(num, den) drawArrows = False else: raise ValueError("Mode {} not supported".format(mode)) #ae.xTitle = num.getXTitle() = True if drawArrows: ae.addRatioArrows(self.ratioUp, self.ratioDown) return ae
[docs] @staticmethod def getSignificanceHistogram(signal, background, mode="BinomialExpZ", customFunction=None, forward=True, overrideLineStyle=None): """Create histogram which shows for each bin the significance when cutting on the value on the x-axis. :param mode: mode for signficance calculation: :param customFunction: if given, use this function for significance calculation (takes s, b, db and returns z) :param forward: integrate to the right? (default: True) Possible significance modes (in both cases the total bkg uncertainty is taken from the histogram): * *BinomialExpZ*: Binomial Significance using `RooStats::NumberCountingUtils::BinomialExpZ <>`_ * *PoissonAsimov*: using the significance based on asymptotic profile likelihood with poisson constraint (see `<>`_) * *PoissonAsimovCLs*: same assumptions as PoissonAsimov, but applied for CLs (exclusion) - see :py:meth:`~MPF.pyrootHelpers.getExpCLsAsimov` """ if customFunction is not None: significance = customFunction elif mode == "BinomialExpZ": significance = lambda s, b, db : ROOT.RooStats.NumberCountingUtils.BinomialExpZ(s, b, db/b) elif mode == "PoissonAsimov": significance = lambda s, b, db : math.sqrt(2*((s+b)*math.log(((s+b)*(b+db**2))/(b**2+(s+b)*db**2))-(b**2)/(db**2)*math.log(1+(db**2*s)/(b*(b+db**2))))) elif mode == "PoissonAsimovCLs": significance = lambda s, b, db : ROOT.RooStats.PValueToSignificance(PH.getExpCLsAsimov(s, b, db)) else: raise ValueError("Significance mode {} unknown!".format(mode)) zHist = signal.clone() zHist.Reset() for i in range(1, background.GetNbinsX()+1): if forward: imin = i imax = background.GetNbinsX()+1 else: imin = 0 imax = i s = signal.Integral(imin, imax) db = ROOT.Double() b = background.IntegralAndError(imin, imax, db) db = float(db) try: z = significance(s, b, db) except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError) as e: logger.warning("Division by zero for significance at bin {} (s, b, db = {}, {}, {}) - setting to 0".format(zHist.GetBinLowEdge(i), s, b, db)) z = 0 if abs(z) == float('inf'): logger.warning("Got infinite significance at bin {} (s, b, db = {}, {}, {}) - setting to 0".format(zHist.GetBinLowEdge(i), s, b, db)) z = 0 zHist.SetBinContent(i, z) = 'signal' if overrideLineStyle is not None: zHist.lineStyle = overrideLineStyle zHist.SetFillStyle(0) # To follow up why I have to do this here... return zHist
[docs] @staticmethod def getCumulativeStack(*hists, **kwargs): """Create a stack of cumulative histograms. If only one hist is given, no stack is created (one cumulative histogram instead) :param hists: Histograms to be stacked :param forward: Integrate to the right? (default: True) """ forward = kwargs.pop("forward", True) if kwargs: raise KeyError("got unexpected kwargs: {}".format(kwargs)) if len(hists) > 1: cStack = getHM(ROOT.THStack('cStack{}'.format(next(PH.tempNames)), '')) for hist in hists: cHist = getHM(hist.GetCumulative(forward, next(PH.tempNames))) Histogram.cloneAttributes(cHist, hist) if len(hists) < 2: cHist = getHM(cHist) Histogram.cloneAttributes(cHist, hist) return cHist else: cStack.add(cHist) return cStack