MPF.errorBands module

class MPF.errorBands.AE(histo=None, relErr=False, customDrawString=None)[source]

Bases: ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors

addRatioArrows(up, low)[source]

Add a list of arrows to a ratio graph. The ratio thresholds for which an arrow is drawn are given by up, low

draw(drawString='', **kwargs)[source]
static makeArrow(bincenter, up, low, pointUp=True)[source]
MPF.errorBands.getPoissonRatio(num, den, ignoreDenErrors=True, ignoreNumErrors=False)[source]

Returns a ratio graph of 2 independend histograms. For the error calculation the Yield per bin is assumed to be the mean of a poisson distribution (histogram error is ignored).

Optional keyword arguments: ignoreDenErrors: Ignore the denominator for error calculation (default True) ignoreNumErrors: Ignore the numerator for error calculation (default False)